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system security officer中文是什么意思

用"system security officer"造句"system security officer"怎么读"system security officer" in a sentence


  • 系统保密官员


  • In chapter 4 , we give a new approach for inference risk evaluation , which uses the rough set theory in data mining technique to catch the possible inference channel in mls dbms . compared with other methods , the main advantages lie in that it does n ' t need the knowledge of sso ( system security officer ) and can use the current available data mining tools to monitor the database in time . 4
    在总结已有的研究成果的基础上,利用数据挖掘技术中粗糙集( roughset )理论提出了一种对推理风险进行分析的量化方法,优点是不依赖于系统安全员的知识、能够处理确定性的和非确定性的推理通道的,利用相应工具,能够在数据库运行期间对推理风险进行监督。
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